We’ve discussed before how VoIP can benefit your business, and one of the benefits is making and taking calls anywhere - so these days it’s a lot easier to conduct business from outside of the office.
As this is a relatively new concept, some companies don’t know that this is an option available to them, so, if you answer ‘YES’ to any of the following questions, investing in SoftPhone will definitely benefit your business.
Is your business becoming more mobile?
Do you have staff working from outside the office, such as a sales team, engineers on site, delivery drivers, or people who need to work from home occasionally?
Are you finding that your field staff are running up high bills calling into the office, or alternatively, are you spending too much on bills calling field staff from the office?
Do you want to get rid of the hard phones on your desks?
Is it important for you to log into your phone system on the go?
Do you travel internationally and need your phone system wherever you go?
IP Telecom, in partnership with CounterPath, have a BRIA Softphone app, available for download on desktops, tablets and smartphones for customers on our Hosted PBX packages. Users of this app will have all of the benefits a Hosted PBX user has, free internal calls, free calls to Irish and UK landlines as well as extra benefits like free video calls and instant messaging.
All you need is an app and a stable data connection!
For any assistance on any of these topics, feel free to email sales@iptelecom.co.za or call us on 21 300 8232. Written by Emer Farrell, Sales and Marketing Specialist for IP Telecom.