What happens when you have customers calling, but for one reason or another, they simply can’t get through? 85% of them don’t call back. Even worse, only 1 in 4 callers who don’t get an answer on the first call will take the time to leave a message before taking their business to the nearest competitor.
Missing calls is something that businesses just can’t afford, and it doesn’t have to be your fault for the damage to be done. Something as simple and common as a hardware failure, blackout or service outage can leave you at a total loss. You need a backup plan to keep your business up and running, and IP Telecom has options.
While some business operators worry that broadband is less reliable than traditional phone lines, Voice Over Internet (VoIP) from IP Telecom offers a variety of failover options to keep answering calls and running smoothly when a traditional phone system might let you down.
1) Answer on a secondary broadband connection
If the primary broadband connection for your VoIP phone system fails, make sure you have a second available. With IP Telecom, you can keep a redundant broadband line setup and ready to use as soon as the first one goes down.
It doesn’t take a total outage for your second line to come in handy, either. Even if all you need to do is a quick system reset or hardware replacement, make sure your customer can still get a hold of you, since if they can’t chances are they won't be calling again.
2) Answer from a different device
From time to time, something bigger than an internet or service outage will leave your business totally in the dark. With the BRIA Softphone app, you can access your work phone from any mobile device without the need to forward calls or switch systems. Since Hosted PBX uses a virtual cloud infrastructure, your Softphone enabled device will work totally independent from your onsite phone system. As long as you have access to mobile data, you can keep working without missing a beat.
3) Answer from another location
If you don’t have softphone or your mobile data is unavailable as well, businesses with multiple locations can answer calls from any site. IP Telecom’s Hosted PBX keeps all your locations in one cohesive network, so this transition is totally seamless - team members at one office can pick up right where employees at the other left off. Callers will stay in your queue and can keep ringing the same number without knowing anything is wrong on your end.
4) Answer from a different number
If you have a single-site business with no backup, softphone app or mobile data, you still have options. Simply set a backup number for calls to automatically forward to when your primary number is disconnected. Then, you can make sure every call comes through and let customers know what’s going on while you work to get the rest of your system up and running.
No matter what goes wrong, having a way to answer every single call is vital. Whether it’s an important business communication, a potential customer, or someone making their final decision between your company and another, you can’t afford to miss it. IP Telecom’s multiple redundancies and layered call failover options will prepare your business for any scenario.
Don’t give your competition an edge by not having a backup plan.
Communicate better with VoIP call failover from IP Telecom